
This section presents the variables that are already initialized at the beginning of the script and can be used in your scripts. In addition to the list, every DataField present in the task is available.

Variable Content
CURRENT_USER_ID Current user ID. This is the SYS02 identifier of the current user.
CURRENT_USER_FULLNAME Current user full name. This is the SYS02 value for the current user.
CURRENT_USER_GROUP Current user group. This contains values such as …
CURRENT_USER_CATEGORY Current user category. This contains values such as SUPERADMIN, ADMIN or USER.
CURRENT_DOMAIN Active domain in which the task is executed.
CURRENT_SITE Active site for the current client.
CURRENT_LANGUAGE Language of the current user.
CURRENT_CHAIN_ID Identifier of the last used chain.
CURRENT_TASK_ID Identifier of the task executing the script.
CURRENT_TASK_TYPE Type of the task executing the script.
CURRENT_TASK_DOMAIN Active domain in which the task is executed
CURRENT_TASK_STATE Statut of the task executing the script (tsNormal, tsNew, tsModify, tsDelete)
CURRENT_TASK_TABLE Table in which the task executing the script is operating.
CURRENT_RECORD_KEY Selected record key (XML)
CURRENT_PAGE_ID Identifier of occurrence of the currently selected page.
CURRENT_DATAPAGE_ID Identifier of the currently selected page. Datapage identifier is for example “DIVERS_COURRIER” in ADR02.
CURRENT_FIELD_ID Identifier of the currently selected field. If <Field ID=“ANNUEL” InternLabel=“Annuel” DataFieldID=“CGEBFI.BUDGET13” Row=“1” LabelColumn=“1” Column=“15” Width=“12” Height=“1” ScriptOnValidate=“true” /> was selected, this variable would contain ANNUEL.
CURRENT_DATAFIELD_ID Identifier of the datafield connected to the currently selected field. If <Field ID=“ANNUEL” InternLabel=“Annuel” DataFieldID=“CGEBFI.BUDGET13” Row=“1” LabelColumn=“1” Column=“15” Width=“12” Height=“1” ScriptOnValidate=“true” /> was selected, this variable would contain CGEBFI.BUDGET13.
CURRENT_FIELD_VALUE Value contained in the currently selected field.
GRID_LAST_SELECTED_ROW Current grid selection’s row id.
GRID_LAST_SELECTED_COL Current grid selection’s col id.
Variable Content
LOCAL_DATETIME Current date and time.
LOCAL_DATE Current date.

In addition to the global variables corresponding to DataFields, additional variables are available in the scripts.

Variable Content
todayDate Today’s date.
ONE_HOUR Value of one hour of time. Can be used to increase a date by a number of hours between 1 and 23. If you want to increase by more than 23 hours, it’s better to first add a number of days and then add the remaining number of minutes
todayYear Current year.
todayDateTime Current date and time.
configDir Configuration directory. This can be used to access the Config directory.
userTempDir Temporary directory for the current user.
userId Current user identifier.