Usage avancé

Here are some advanced concepts definitions that one can encounter during the blueIron development.


This interface is used to make simple transformations on some data in the context of a Value processor.


This interface is used to convert an Object to another. For instance a Date to a String or a String to an Integer.


A row can be one of three different types:

  • DATA : this is mostly all the rows.
  • TITLE : rows created by a <title> tag in a BreakStep.
  • TOTAL : rows created by a tag in a BreakStep.

Moreover, a row has the following core data:

Name Description
globalIndex The index of the row in the output of the previous step. This index is independant from the type of row.
typeLevel The level of the row. For instance, a row in a sub-break will have a bigger level than the one in the main break.
typeIndex The index of the type. For a DATA row, it will be its index in the break. For a TITLE/TOTAL row, this value will be the index of the declaration in the BlueIron descriptor.